Zelda Playable Ocarina | ||||||||||
Product Description
Gamers rejoice as we have got a package made just for you!The 12 Hole Tenor Ocarina with Zelda Songbook set was made for video gamers. This high-grade ceramic 12-hole ocarina is handcrafted and inspired by The Legend of Zelda, as if the Triforce golden triangle chrome detail didn't make it obvious! It has a pitch range from A4 to F6 with clear, crisp sound and focused tone.
In keeping with the theme, this high quality Zelda replica comes complete with the Zelda Songbook Volume One and an online instructional booklet.
Don't waste your money on the poor quality imitations that are popping up on the market. Our Zelda ocarina is accurately tuned by professional musicians and handcrafted for a look and sound like no other.
--- Inspired by the Legend of Zelda
--- 12-hole ocarina
--- Pitch range from A4 to F6
--- Handcrafted in high-grade ceramic
--- Chrome band with Triforce golden triangle detail
--- Tuned by professional musicians for the best sound
--- Includes online instructional booklet and Zelda Songbook Volume One
- Most Authentic Zelda Ocarina Replica
- Beautiful Sound
- Available Only at STL Ocarina
- Free Online Instructional Booklet
Top Reviews
This is a pretty great Ocarinaby Lubben (4 out of 5 stars)
December 19, 2015
This is a pretty great Ocarina. There are a few negative comments posted that are simply not true, and I want to clarify for them and for you. Many people say, "MY OCARINA IS OUT OF TUNE! THIS SUCKS!" but this is simply not true. I thought this too for a while. I got it and thought, "well I guess I got an Ocarina in Bb on accident, oh well, nbd" But I was wrong. The direction you old it and the direction you blow air into it can significantly change the pitch, and long story short I was just playing it wrong. It actually took me a good while of serious playing before I got the hang of it. Additionally People claim that the Ocarina here is breathy in its upper register, but again, NOT TRUE. I thought this too at first, and was very very disappointed. After studying some Ocarina however, I learned that this is normal of all Ocarinas in this tuning if you aren't using the proper technique. It is a technique called "acute bending" and involves bending your neck while you play. Once you do it you'll think, "So that's why Ocarina players always do that with their necks." I know I might sound dumb for buying one and not knowing these things in advance, but I bought it thinking compared to Piano (Which I have played for the past 17 years and I am an instructor in) it will be a very easy instrument and fun to play. I was right to an extent, but there really is a good bit a technique to practice when you first get started. Giving it four stars because it still isn't the BEST ocarina, but it is definitely capable of playing anything any alto C ocarina can play, and is a really pretty part of the collection. I'm excited to collect more ocarinas in the future right now.
by A (5 out of 5 stars)
October 10, 2019
Beautifully crafted ocarina. The design is great and it sounds beautiful. I had a coworker buy a cheap version of this ocarina on Amazon after I bought this one, and you can hardly get any pretty sounds out of the knockoff. Any sounds you do make are out of tune. This is definitely the quality you want if you are planning on playing it at all.
I have some musical background with wind instruments, but I honestly don't feel like you need to have much, or any, experience to pick this up easily. The bundle comes with a song book, and you don't need to know how to read musical notes, instead they are designed like guitar tabs - it'll tell you which holes to plug.
What I had expected...and more!
by Yen Badger (5 out of 5 stars)
November 3, 2013
I had been eyeing this nice ocarina for about a year or so, and had always hesitated on if I wanted to shell out so much money on a "video game" instrument. When looking at older reviews, I saw that despite the number of happy people, there were still quite a few people who had major issues with the product. But after much debate, and a price drop (and coming across some extra cash), I finally ordered it. So then all I had to do was wait and see how it went from there.
I was not disappointed.
First of all, the delivery was very fast. Amazon said it would be as little as one week before I would receive it, but it came in about four days. I was so surprised, I actually had to think what would be on my doorstep for me from the mail. When I opened it, I was so happy to see it was something I wasn't expecting until much later!
Next, the instrument itself. I had seen some complaints that the instrument was very small. And that the notes never reached the highest notes it should (in the Sun's Song, for you LoZ fans out there). I also heard for it's appearance, the color was off, the Triforce symbol was nothing more than a yellow triangle, and there was no golden band by the mouth piece to make it look like the "real" thing. All not true for what I got.
The instrument looks beautiful. The golden band IS there, the shape IS a Triforce, and yes, the color is a deep dark blue, but it does not take away from its beauty. (And for the record, I went back to play the LoZ: OoT on the N64 and saw that, when Link first received the Ocarina of Time, it was a darker blue than when you will see it the rest of the game. When Link holds it up, it has a different graphic design than when he plays it through the rest of the story). And apparently, what was sold years ago was a Mini Ocarina. So the mini was about the size of a Kiwi fruit. That was NOT the case with this instrument. It was large enough to fit in the palm of my hand, and I have the equivalent size hand of a male teenage boy who just hit a growth spurt. Also, they provided a string through the instrument to wear around the neck. I never do, since it's too large (in my opinion) to do this. I'm not sure how removing the string would affect the instrument (I DOUBT it would, and it's very easy to do so, but I'm a bit paranoid and too lazy to want to put it back, so I won't), but it doesn't take away from the looks of the ocarina.
The sound is absolutely gorgeous. Seeing so many places make replicas of video game or TV show's items, they never turn out to be that great as a stand-alone. So really when I hear "replica", I think it's for show and nothing else. But this ocarina is really and truly an instrument. When given the instruction/music booklet, I played a song (Serenade of Water) and was overjoyed at how beautiful the sound was. It almost sounded like the real song (I've never played a woodwind instrument, so I was a bit shaky on the notes)! The instrument is a Tenor, about in the Alto C range (like the sound of the highest notes sung by an average male).
If comparing it to the ocarina in the game, it is an octave lower (Personally, I think it's due to the music in the game. For the game's ocarina to be heard and sound great, the notes needed to be an octave higher to properly fit in with the game and it's music). The real-life ocarina is a bit too big to play those high notes like in the game, so everything is incorporated for a lower octave. But that does not take away from the sound of the ocarina. Even at a lower octave, the ocarina and its songs are still beautiful.
Finally, the extras. The ocarina I ordered from this site promised to include a carrying case and an instructions booklet in the package. To my surprise, I received TWO of each! (I expected another ocarina in there, but there wasn't :P) The second booklet was just a duplicate of the first (both entitled "Zelda Songs for Ocarina: For ocarinas with nine or more holes" Volume 1), so I believe it was just an error on the packing end. The book opens up to show the notation system for the ocarina, but does not go any further than that. I DO have a music background, but not with woodwind instruments. So I was expecting some kind of chart that shows what fingering corresponds to the notes for us non-woodwind learners (or even non-music people). But all songs they provide you with are in the number notation with a small chart to explain the rhythm notation as well.
Apparently, you will need to visit their website to CREATE YOUR OWN TABLATURES (aka: tabs). They do not have these songs available for download, ready-to-go. You will need to go online and create the fingering notation sheet music by going off of their number notation. Yes, they do provide some finger-notation sheets to get started (6 songs total, and they are the easy songs to play for a beginner), but everything else is something you will need to do on your own. I understand that they made it this way so you will learn how to PLAY AN OCARINA instead of just playing the Zelda songs on the "Ocarina of Time". But in all honestly, some people may get this item just for novelty purposes and do not want to pick up a new instrument, so I felt this was a step back for them.
So for my final review:
Shipping was fast.
Instrument itself is beautiful in looks and sound. And it looks just like the Ocarina of Time.
The carrying cases are good. Enough to serve their purpose.
The music books are a bit of a let down (for the people going for novelty) and are obviously homemade. I personally, DO want to learn the instrument, so I try to learn the number notation. For everyone else, you can order this without the booklet. The music can easily be found somewhere on the internet already converted to finger notation if you just do a search.
I give this 5 stars. Because I am trying to learn a new instrument, I look at the number book as a way to learn and is not a hindrance. For everyone else, I guess this would be a 4-star review (just because of the booklet), but it is DEFINITELY worth the buy!
A good First Real Ocarina.
by Chrissy (5 out of 5 stars)
December 28, 2013
This is the first ocarina I have ever purchased from STL, and I have to say, I am impressed. Almost every other ocarina I have played has had such a quiet voice, and any attempt to push the volume results in a horrible screech, especially for the lower notes. This ocarina seems to have forgotten that this is a thing, and is quite the attention hog. Even it's lowest notes are loud enough to hear into the next room of my apartment, as my wife will attest. This is very much a performance instrument.
The first interesting thing about this ocarina is the voice. It sounds breathy, but loses none of the quality of the note being played. It actually sounds very much like a simple flute. Most other ocarina's voices I have played are sharp, crisp, reminiscent of a recorder than a flute. The trade off for this clarity is range, and volume. Every note is able to be heard, and heard well. Most other ocarinas I have played advertise the same range as this ocarina here, but there are usually one of two things wrong with them: either the lower notes are almost inaudible to any but the player, or the higher notes are impossible to use without the voice screeching. And I've played a lot of ocarinas.
To put a long review short, this is the first ocarina I have encountered that combines both volume, and clarity of voice in a nice professional blend.
OMG! Let's Save Hyrule!
by Joshua C. (5 out of 5 stars)
November 26, 2012
I am a 22 year old Legend of Zelda fan and have been waiting patiently to find the perfect ocarina to buy. This is my first ocarina and is a little pricey, but well worth it. The instrument is beautifully made with a deep blue paint job that shines the second you take it out of its protective case. The sound is eerily gorgeous with only a few airy notes that can be ironed out with a little fingering practice (that's what she said =P). Anyways, all in all I'm 100% satisfied with my purchase. Shipping was fast, it arrived before estimated time of delivery. I picked it up and was playing some of my favorite Zelda and Non-Zelda songs within a few hours of practice. The book it comes with is pretty helpful, but I would suggest looking up the tabs online for more complete and accurate tabs. The only downside, and other reviews on here have said it before, is that the ocarina itself is made out of ceramic and is not intended for children to use because of how fragile it is. I give it 5 stars and would highly recommend anyone looking for a good ocarina to save up the extra $20-30 to buy this beautiful piece. The Great Deku Tree would be proud if he saw me now =)
Great gift
by Shiela (3 out of 5 stars)
June 7, 2019
I actually bought two of these as a gift for my sons who were huge Zelda fans. What actually came with a piece broken off and I glued it back together for my song but he was definitely disappointed. I wasn't even aware I can return it back then so... If I remember correctly these were kind of expensive.
A gamer's dream come true, but also a full fledged instrument!
by JL (5 out of 5 stars)
April 27, 2013
I bought this Ocarina for my sister's 23rd birthday. I was a little uneasy at first, because there was nothing telling what the ocarina was made of, but I decided to take a chance. I was stunned when I held it in my hands! The ocarina is beautifully done, made of a high quality ceramic clay, and wonderfully painted as a replica of one of my most beloved childhood memories. On top of the workmanship, when played it makes a mellow and light, yet strong and solid tone. It is a legitimate wind instrument, and I would recommend this to anyone, whether they play music or not. Make sure to buy the one that includes the songbook, it is well worth it. I honestly can't say enough good things about this seller, but...
>>HERE'S THE SHORT VERSION: High Quality Craftsmanship, Fun to Play, Beautiful to Look At. A great product and a welcome return to memory lane. Worth every penny!
A very good knock off
by Chris G. (4 out of 5 stars)
May 18, 2015
This Ocarina is not the one sold on the official STL Ocarina website. But it's still a very good knock off made in China. It's made of ceramic with a glazed finish, and comes with a fingering chart, a few songs, and a padded nylon contoured carrying bag with a snap fastener. It plays the full chromatic scale in the treble clef, from the low C below the staff to the high F natural on the top staff line. The low C is a little problematic to play at first. But you'll get used to it. Now that the price has been reduced to $15, it's even a better buy. Allow several weeks for delivery, since it ships from China.
The perfect gift for a musical nerd!
by Robert Beickert (5 out of 5 stars)
January 13, 2014
I got this for my brother this Christmas. I don't think his wife appreciated that it quickly became his favorite gift. He had the thing around his neck for many days after receiving it and was quickly self teaching himself to play many songs. Eventually he put the thing down long enough to print out some tab sheets for songs, but at that point he already self taught himself to play the Game of Thrones theme, and Star Wars imperial march. The only sadness came when he accidentally dropped it when retrieving it to show friends. It cracked in half. Luckily it cracked at the seems that it was connected by the manufacturer. So it was salvageable with some serious glue. It is well put together, that was the best you could hope for when dropping a hollow ceramic item at a brisk prance of joy. I totally got the reaction I hoped for in the gift and would absolutely look into the higher end models from this manufacturer. Very cool gift for any music lover slash nerd.
a quality product, glad I bought it.
by Amazon Customer (5 out of 5 stars)
January 10, 2016
Now that, that is a real piece right there; I'm not a musician nor have I studied music in any form, but you do know that is a real instrument that has a LoZ theme, it's not a replica that whistles.
The packaging was amazing, the ocarina was wrapped inside a box, inside another box filled with styrofoam pellets.
It looks good, sounds good, and feela good as well, you can easily manage the sounds of the ocarina with a few blows, it actually doesn't take too long to get the hang of it. A huge difference from the flute...
I was directed to this product from a user called Ocarinadiva on the ocarina network forum.
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