Product Description
I bet this is the only bathrobe on Amazon--no, on the planet!--that has 121 customer reviews! 121 reviews! 159 if you count its second listing here. 159 reviews*! Of a bathrobe. I know it's a Jedi bathrobe and it has... [Read more]Top Reviews
100% polyester, NOT 100% Cotton, 100% false aaustad (1 out of 5 stars)
January 12, 2017
Well, I shouldn't be surprised but I didn't get what I was expecting. The description clearly stated that this robe was 100% cotton, and that was 100% a lie. It is 100% polyester. I have nothing against poly, I love it. But not for a bathrobe that is suppose to be a gift for my nephew who requested a bathrobe to be able to use after showers. It came from China, so that's why I'm not surprised. I'll end up giving it to him anyway, but really wish they could just be honest/accurate in the description. I know some people might ask if maybe I was mistaken or confused since there are several of these available through a variety of vendors. I researched the hell out of this and made sure I was ordering a cotton robe before purchasing. I even went back after this arrived and sure enough the description from the vendor still says 100% cotton.
length is great, material is soft and thick
by J.J. (5 out of 5 stars)
January 27, 2016
BE AWARE OF YOUR SELLER. I ordered this for my wife for xmas, and we got an *awesome* robe from the seller "Vcos." It came from China, but quality was 100%, its well stitched, has official star wars tag at collar, material tag down the left side, length is great, material is soft and thick. Loved it so much I wanted one, so I clicked the "order again" button in the "my orders" section, not realizing it would come from a different seller this time. The second robe arrived today from a different seller, from China, and it is clearly a knock off. No tags, lighter material (both in color and weight), stitching looks like it is ready to fall apart, not nearly long enough, jedi logo is smaller and the patch looks much cheaper. If we didn't already have a great quality one sitting here to compare to, I would just assume the robe, in general, was a CPOC. But there really ARE nice ones out there. I've already requested a return/refund on the item, and have purchased another one from the "Vcos" seller instead, I hope it lives up to its predecessor.
Definitely explains the varying reviews of this product, since amazon doesn't seem choosy about who supplies the product - make sure you get a quality seller and you will get a quality robe. I recommend a search for "Vcos robe" and go from there. Good luck! :-)
Comfortable, well made and nice looking.
by Rider (5 out of 5 stars)
June 15, 2016
Shipped from china but actually got here really quickly. The material is soft and light.
Looks amazing.
Not so much a bath robe as it's not absorbent.
Most comfortable thing to lounge around the house in.
1stmall shipped me a defective item & told me it would be too expensive to return to China
by Fuzzy Buddy (1 out of 5 stars)
March 22, 2014
In short, don't buy from this seller (1stmall) they shipped me a defective item and told me it would be too expensive for me to return the item so I can have 1/2 my money back and keep the defective items even though it is ridiculously unusable.
Here is the story. The robe I received was cut wrong so it is not wide enough to close all the way in the front from the waist down. There is an upside down V opening and everything from the waist down in front is exposed. You wouldn't be able to get away without wearing underwear because the robe doesn't cover your parts.
The other problem is cosmetic only but the lack of quality here is just as annoying. The Jedi patch is shown in the picture to be chest high but this one was sewn on at belly level. There was obviously no quality control when this robe was made. The seller told me it would cost me much money and time to send it back to china so his solution was to refund 1/2 my money and leave me with a totally unusable robe that exposes everything in front from the waist down. Covering you when you come out of the shower or when you are not wearing anything else is the primary function of a bath robe, so this robe is totally unusable for its intended purpose and the fun factor is gone because it looks pretty ridiculous to be walking around in a Jedi robe with your dork hanging out and a Jedi patch all the way down on your belly.
Too expensive to ship back is not a good enough reason to ship out defective items and force people to keep them for half the price. If I wanted a defective robe for half the price I would not have placed the order for a good robe and waited several weeks for it to be delivered. I did not like the sellers solution to keep half my money and leave me with a defective robe so I filed a report with Amazon and they took care of the problem immediately and I mean IMMEDIATELY. I have no doubt that Amazon always takes care of their customers to protect them from bad sellers like this.
great concept, cheep materials ruin it
by Network13 (1 out of 5 stars)
January 24, 2014
The robe is warm and large enough for most, but the materials its made out of a cheep and easily tear. Taking the robe off one night, within the first couple days of having it and it tore a split right at the back of the neck. This of course defeats the purpose of buying a hooded robe, because now there's a cold draft on the back of my neck. I used a sewing machine to sew it back together and within a few days the rip came back. The thread didn't pull out or break, just the material of the robe gave way. It looks to be a nice heavy terry cloth robe, but in reality, its made from that material that they make cheesy beach vacation tourist souvenir towels from. For the price, I wouldnt buy another one if it were hand delivered by Luke Skywalker himself.
by shiran cohen (1 out of 5 stars)
December 27, 2016
I was disappointed with this robe. I found a few of them on Amazon but paid a bit more for this one because it indicated that it was made out of cotton in the description while the rest (cheaper ones) were made of synthetic fabrics. Well when I received the item, the tag said it was in fact synthetic as well. What a disappointment. Also, the sleeves are so large that they get caught on everything. Makes it impossible to wear to do anything other than sitting down somewhere.
*If this is not the "Jedi Bathrobe" product you were looking for, you can check the other results by clicking this link