Toe Of Satan 9 Million Scoville Lollipop | |||||||||
Product Description
Made with 9 million Scoville unit chili extract, The Toe of Satan is quite possibly the hottest candy on the planet! It may even be one of the most difficult candies to make. This extract requires us to use extreme caution,(and a little stupidity) to hand pour each lollipop.Features
- EXTREMELY SPICY: This satanic sucker is made from a special "hellfire" chili extract that has a Scoville heat unit rating of 9 million—that’s 900 times hotter than a jalapeño and hotter than the hottest pepper on the planet! So be careful: this is a food for serious spice gladiators only.
- DO YOU DARE?: If you’re hell-bent on heat, try the Toe of Satan Challenge: keep the sucker in your mouth for five merciless minutes. It’s guaranteed to turn your mouth into a lake of fire.
- MADE FROM WORLD RECORD CAROLINA REAPERS: The Toe of Satan is one of the spiciest candies on Earth or in hell. Instead of the delayed burn from hot peppers, this demonic delight sizzles as soon as it hits your tongue. That burn you feel is the “hellfire” chili extract, which has the insanely high Scoville rating of 9 million units! For comparison, that’s over four times hotter than a Carolina Reaper, the former record-holder for the world’s hottest pepper.
- BRAGGING RIGHTS WITH YOUR FRIENDS: If you can’t get enough brimstone in your diet, challenge yourself and a friend to the Toe of Satan challenge. In order to achieve bragging rights, you must keep the sucker in your mouth for five fiery minutes without spitting. Trust us, five minutes is going to seem like an eternity.
- APPROACH WITH CAUTION: We sincerely mean it when we say that you should approach this sucker with caution. Keep it away from children and pets, and make sure you have milk or ice cream handy before venturing into the netherworld.
Top Reviews
Ouchby Ari (5 out of 5 stars)
August 1, 2019
I bought two of these, one for me and one for my best friend... but he immediately told me he doesn't like hot food, even like, Sriracha hot. So I didn't even mention I'd bought him one. I didn't know what to do with them after that. I had those, and ghost pepper gumballs, and ghost pepper dust, and the world's hottest chocolate bar... and nowhere to go with these things. So I turned to my brother. He loves hot food too. I brought them over to his house and we ate all of them one after the other. Not hot, not hot, supremely hot... and then we got to this candy. My brother went first. He made it through, I think, 27 seconds, before he was guzzling water and milk. I sat down, put the lollipop in, and I started like the internet videos do, putting it in my cheek. I made it to a minute and it wasn't really hot. I turned my mind off, moved it to my tongue. It wasn't hot. My parents freaked out, told me to remove it. "You look dead!" I removed it, and immediately, it got UNBELIEVABLY hot. As soon as it left my mouth, my mouth burned with the heat of the worst kind of sunburn, and I had to throw it away. I could have ate it, but my parents don't understand that I can still feel heat even if I can't taste very well anymore. So, I had to throw it away, and my brother and I agreed that I could have easily won, if they hadn't made me. This sucker is excellent. It's extremely hot, but a lot of fun to eat. I'd recommend it for sure.
This Toe Will Kick Your Everything, Hard.
by Jake Caldoon (5 out of 5 stars)
August 5, 2017
Holy wow. This is the hottest thing I have ever put into my facehole. My first impression was that the cinnamon flavor was really nice. I held onto that thought as the heat began to mount and the saliva to flow, within about 15 seconds. By the end of the first minute, things were getting pretty intense. By the end of the second, I was beginning to wonder just what the Hell I thought i was doing. The third minute's passing brought an epiphany -- my brain was on fire, and the fumes were making everything hazy. By the fourth minute's completion, I was furiously juggling the searing lolly back and forth, torturing cheeks, tongue, and palate alike. My uvula kept trying to steal away into Sinus-Land, but the Toe of Satan forces one to swallow early and often, sending the lava-laden saliva down to sear esophagus and stomach alike.
Finally, the fifth minute was done, and folks, I could not get that Toe out of my mouth fast enough.
Many beers were sacrificed in trying to quench the raging inferno, but to little avail. Only time would calm this hellish firestorm. It took about 10 minutes for things to return to a somewhat-bearable level, and as I write this, about 25 minutes After Toe (my life will now be divided into B.T. and A.T.), only a faint buzzing lingers on lips and tongue's tip to remind me of my folly.
Hell yes, I'd do it again. The endorphins are buzzing; I'm feeling copacetic. The universe is not a cauldron of hate, but of sweet, humming love.
There's plenty of Toe left for another go. I'd say it could probably support 3-4 full tries, and any number of "OH GOD THE WORLD IS ON FIRE SPIT IT OUT" situations.
The Toe of Death ... For Your Insides.
by Natasha W (5 out of 5 stars)
May 19, 2018
Mkay, let me start off with YES, this really is spicy. No, I'm not just saying that to hype it up.
I am a lover of spicy food. I am passionate about spicy food. The spicier the better. Not much these days is actually spicy to me ... until I bought this bad boy.
I've seen the challenge done and thought to myself that it couldn't really be that bad.
*Laughs* Ooooh oooh oh was I WRONG! Oh Lord was I wrong. You'll be praying to Jesus by the time it is over. Whether it is during the challenge, or for some, on the potty praying that Jesus takes pitty on you enough to extinguish the flames scorching your ass from the inside. My mouth was on fire. I feel bad for those who got it on both ends. My prayers go out to those who have experienced the wrath of this sucker going in and coming out.
Anyway, back on track. So this little booger of a sucker was the first spicy food to ever make me cry. I'm not talking a tear or two. No. No, it was uncontrollable. Not quite ugly girl crying, but it was up there ... near the same category. We won't talk about that.
At first the cinnamon flavor hits you and you think, oh that's not that bad. I am here to tell you it IS that bad. Wait for it. A minute or so in the cinnamon flavor is replaced and the spicy starts to kick in. Still not that bad. I can handle this. Right? So about two minutes in the spicy kicks it up a notch. A big notch. My mouth was on FIRE! Toe of Satan???? More like the ... I'm not sure I can say that, but a toe it is not. By 3 minutes in, the uncontrollable crying starts. My nose is running like a faucet. That's uncontrollable, too. Pretty much everything your body does while eating this sucker is uncontrollable. Uncontrollable crying, dripping nose, shaking (if you experience that. I happened to). It felt as if Satan heated up an iron rod and crammed it down my throat. My mouth was on fire, my throat was on fire and my stomach was beginning to feel the effect as well. By 3 1/2 minutes in the shaking started. The praying started. I think at some point someone was spraying me with holy water. "The power of Christ compells you!" The demon comes out later while your on the potty if you're one of the unlucky ones.
I didn't make it the full 5 minutes unfortunately, but the effects of the sucker lasted much longer. If you buy this lollipop, know what you're in for. Don't go into it thinking the way I did because this lollipops bite is much bigger and harder than yours. Good luck.
by Vallens (5 out of 5 stars)
May 6, 2017
I give it 5stars out of shear fear it will haunt my dreams, WARNING: Have milk , yogurt, ice cream ALL ON HAND when trying this evil interrogation tool of your soul!!! The heat is instant and will grow for about 20 minutes. It feels like you pepper sprayed your tongue. There are no tricks to avoid the heat, once it's in your mouth your screwed....
Bought this for a friend that wanted to take the ...
by bishop54 (5 out of 5 stars)
January 3, 2018
Bought this for a friend that wanted to take the challenge and he did it successfully. It is Unbelievably HOT!!!! Nothing to compare it to. It MADE him sick for hours afterwards. He vomited 8 times and had diarrhea for 2 days. It blistered his lips and tongue. If you are up front for the pain it lives up to it's name. This sucker is NO JOKE
by Snarkers (5 out of 5 stars)
November 26, 2018
I bought "The Toe of Satan" thinking that it would be the standard cinnamon candy with some heat. Nope. No cinnamon. No hint of sweetness. This had to be invented by an evil scientist using some kind of insanity pepper. I got sick after three licks. But I have to admire truth in advertising! It was indeed hot. Buy it for someone that you hate. :)
Will not be disappointed.
by David (5 out of 5 stars)
March 9, 2017
I bought this in hopes of getting a treat that lived up to it's claims of heat, I was not disappointed.
Not even 30 seconds in I had uncontrollable hiccups and my head felt like a hot air ballon. 2 minutes in I started to shake and sweat.
After 4 minutes I called it and wrapped the rest of it up. At this point my mouth was burning and numb at the same time.
It didn't end there.
for the next 12 hours I felt the indescribable heat traveling through my entire GI tract, leaving a burn that lasted for hours.
The next day there is a slight burning all throughout my body.
This is truly the real deal.
9 million times HOTTER than my Ex Girlfriend
by SirEpicIndividual (5 out of 5 stars)
May 26, 2017
This sucker is HOT. Hotter than my ex girlfriend by a long shot. Even the smallest piece leaves a spicy tingle in your mouth. The bigger the piece, the hotter the intensity. I don't dare take the whole sucker at once. This is a fun table piece!
Hell on a stick.
by S.Gates (5 out of 5 stars)
December 31, 2018
I bought this for our family for Christmas.
"Go try it first! You love hot stuff!" I do actually. I eat ghost pepper cheese and Carolina reapers like they're nothing.
This however was crafted in the deep fiery depths of hell. A few minutes in I was fine. Until the nausea set in. A few minutes after removing the evil sucker from my mouth however, I was rolling around the dirtiest part of my bathroom floor begging for death while my bf sat on the side of the bathtub reminding me of what an idiot I was.
I wish I could say this was the lowest point in my life but I would be a liar. 🤗
Holy @#$% this thing is so hot....
by PSV2363 (5 out of 5 stars)
February 20, 2018
There's not much to say about this other then prepare yourself for the amazing heat. It starts off with a really good cinnamon taste and then it hit me about 30 seconds in. The agony beings, words can't decide what takes place next. I lasted about 3 minutes and 25 seconds before I gave up. The extreem heat lasted about 30 minutes after the challange. I drank a quart of milk to help extinguish the inferno in my mouth.
Pain.... pure delicious pain.
by Dan Johnson (5 out of 5 stars)
May 10, 2019
Pain, pure delightful pain to be had for all. I wouldn't wish this lollipop on my worst enemy! I bought a two pack, took the first one and broke it into a bazillion pieces. I was going to "surprise" people and give it to them as a gag, but luckily I tried it first. OMG.... pain. I decided it was better to warn people before they took a piece. The skeptics that didn't believe me and took a larger size paid the price, and boy did I get hours of enjoyment from the reactions!
On top of pain(which is hard to taste anything else), the lollipop actually tastes really great! I ended up going back for more punishment over a couple of days as did others.
I highly recommend, and recommend more if you aren't doing the challenge, break it up into small pieces and let people "choose their fate".... it's pain for them and entertainment for you!
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