Electromagnetic Field Protection Pendant

Brand: Unknown
Manufacturer: Q-Link
Model: qlinknewqblack
Category: Gadgets & Tools
Price: n/a  (36 customer reviews)
Shipping Wt: 0.15 pounds
Average Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description

The QLink Pendant does three important things....1. It strengthens your resilience and resistance to the effects of stress. 2. It increases your energy and enhances your mental performance, especially under pressure. 3. It strengthens your capacity to function in EMF saturated environments. (EMF is the electromagnetic field generated by electronic devices and wireless communications). Today's world requires strengthened mental, emotional and physical resilience. Both independent tests and QLink users report that this life-enhancing product provides this resilience. Doctors who tested the QLink Pendant with Sympathetic Resonance Technology(TM) found that it very quickly amplifies healthy energy states, and decreases energy drains caused by a wide variety of stressors. It is the premier product for strengthening you against direct and ambient sources of EMF, including EMF from computers and cell phones. World class athletes report that the QLink Pendant improves their mental focus and endurance, giving them a significant competitive edge. Others are enthusiastic about their new found emotional balance and stamina. As the complexity and pressures of our fast-paced, electronic world increase, the QLink Pendant is the product of choice for those people who value optimal performance and well-being. Experience the difference the QLink Pendant makes. Simply wear it every day.

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Top Reviews

I noticed nothing
by S King (3 out of 5 stars)
March 15, 2012

I purchased this item after wearing a friends for a couple days. After wearing hers I did feel a difference, I started to feel more energy. But, I argued that it might have been the placebo effect.

When I received this one for myself - I felt nothing.

I see other protection products that claim to genuinely work selling for 4-5k, I would be skeptical of those much less this $100 version.

Just an honest review - take it or leave it.

Edit: I would just like to add if you do decide to try a device like this - buy direct from the source so there are no doubts...
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Save your money
by online shopper (1 out of 5 stars)
June 11, 2011

Placebo effect. No difference whatsoever, and the manufacturer doesn't honor their 90-day return "guarantee". I actually tried returning it to them within 90 days; never heard back.

Now that I am stuck with this thing, I wear it every other day or so "for fun". For the past 6 months, never had I felt any difference.

I agree with other reviewers that you are just getting a piece of copper wire in a plastic box with a shoelace.

What's up with reviews telling us how this little plastic box fixes all their problems? What's up with overwhelming number of people marking them as "helpful"? I guess I will just remove my review and let people waste their money in peace.
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So far so good
by J. Lucas (1 out of 5 stars)
October 14, 2009

New Age snake oil garbage. It does absolutely nothing whatsoever..... except make you look like you are wearing a miniturized Darth Vader electronic control pannel on your chest.
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Ok product
by Yg (3 out of 5 stars)
April 10, 2013

I ordered the Qlink, hoping to feel more energetic. But I don't think it's working. Delivery and shipping was on time. But I don't know if I would recommend it.
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I'm the other half of the family
by Jupiter (5 out of 5 stars)
April 18, 2013

I say the and repeat the same as before.

So, we only can go by what the company shows on its

videos to really know what the end result does for our

bodies. I personally don't feel any different. Though we

are told its supposed to help with EMF(electromagnetic

frequency) when you sit by a computer or tv, or in a car,

Supposed to protect your blood flow and prevents clumping

after sitting for many hours by EMF producing electronics.
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by Holly (5 out of 5 stars)
January 12, 2008

Q-Link Pendant with SRT-3 (Black) - New Design

This was for my husband for Christmas,he wears it all the time.He said it helps with all the pains in his body.
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by Nelson (5 out of 5 stars)
November 18, 2012

I believe the Qlink works. I had one for 5 years and it got damaged. I ordered another silver pendant and gave my black pendant to my son. He's not a believer yet.
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Five Stars
by P Mass (5 out of 5 stars)
March 10, 2015

I love it.
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Relieves severe pain in 24 hours.
by Kit (5 out of 5 stars)
April 28, 2008

I have been sick with several viruses and an autoimmune deficiency for 2 years so I have a ton of symptoms. One that disturbed me was a sharp pain in my skull or neck that felt like an ice pick and seemed to have a pulse to it. I had it for months. Intuitively I felt increased cell phone activity was making me stupid as I watched cell phone use and population density increase in my already dense neighborhood of Brooklyn NY. I also noticed people getting dumber, walking into traffic a lot and seeming to be half asleep or out of it. My own memory has been failing and I was not sure if it was age or illness but I was complaining about EMF for months without knowing it existed.

I finally scheduled neurological testing for the pain and memory. The pain often occurred every 10 seconds and was bad enough to make me wince visibly. Before the appointment I learned about EMF and a healer recommended a Tesla Watch. I have ADHD and would never remember to take the $200 watch off in the tub so I got the waterproof QLink.

Within 24 hours the head pain stopped. My memory, mood and energy have improved but it may be other factors in my health program so I won't credit the pendant but the removal of this pain was immediate and dramatic. It has been gone for months now.
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works for me, but don't expect miracles
by bandazar (4 out of 5 stars)
April 23, 2009

The pendent supposedly increases your aura (they call it biometric field?), which in turn may help sheild out negative EMF radiation as well as improve other things in your life which is inherent with having a larger aura (like being a little more confident). If this is true, then a potential issue is that this pendent may or may not work for all people and may work differently for different people as people that already have large auras and are relatively healthy are probably not going to see a whole lot of improvement. Similarly, people with a lot of negative areas in their aura or negative karma, might possibly increase some of the negativity in their lives.

I also question why this pendent is so expensive. While I don't know what it takes to make the SRT-3 chip, I can hardly imagine that with mass production this pendent should cost more than $20. What does it have in there, a pentium computer chip?

And as long as they keep the science behind this proprietory, people are always going to question whether this pendent is quackery or if the results are the result of a placebo. For example, is this device nothing more than an orgone device? Orgone energy is supposedly concentrated via a hexegon (6 sided device). While this is not strictly a hexegon, it does have 6 sides, and also has copper in it. If this is truely a simple orgone device, then there are much more cheaper devices than this (I suspect this isn't however, based on my personal experience of this device... but still you have to wonder).

Many golfers use this to supposedly increase their "game". And with golf, you have to be in the zone (meaning having confidence in what you are doing), to score your best.

I did personally notice a difference when first putting the q-link pendent on and also did notice that I seemed to have more energy. Although it did not improve my performance on video games, it did seem to improve my stamina and possibly luck as well (another plus with having a large aura). Mind you the improvement wasn't mind blowing, but there is definately something there.

Just out of curiosity I did look at the device using etheric vision to see what was happening. It appears that the copper coils absorb etheric (orgone) energy. This absorbtion is exponential the closer you get to your body with this pendent. It seems to send out pulses of something, especially at the 3 cornders of the pendent. Seems to also generate some sort of sound (on the etheric). Based on what I read about SRT technology: [...] it's probably what they say about it, is true. However, I do not know whether or not this absorbtion on the ether of your body is healthy or not. Your body supposed generates etheric energy constantly, but still.... Maybe putting an orgone device in front of this pendent will help its power, as well as putting it in a hexegon shape?

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