Cyclist's Turn Signal Gloves

Brand: Zackees
Model: 867037000072
Category: For Men
Price: n/a  (127 customer reviews)
Dimension: 5.00 x 5.00 x 1.00 inches
Shipping Wt: 0.38 pounds
Average Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Product Description

I guess if you don't know that a straight arm means left and a bent elbow means right - which, let's face it, a lot of people probably don't - then Zackees LED Turn Signal Gloves would be of great benefit, both to the... [Read more]

Top Reviews

Comfortable, bright. Good customer service. Original model would fail after a few hundred miles. Try
by PrimePurchaser (3 out of 5 stars)
June 13, 2015

Bright. These definitely made drivers take notice and give way when I needed to turn while riding my bike.

I was on the boundary between medium and large; the medium was slightly tight at first but once worn in the fit was good.

After about 60 days and 400 miles (no significant rain, no washing of the gloves, and gloves sometimes stored with batteries loaded in my Florida-humid garage), both gloves broke.

Update 6/25/15.

I got a response to my follow-up email a day or two after the last review, and I promptly received the replacement gloves.

Now I have working gloves and for the moment no complaints.

Update 8/28/15

My replacement gloves failed at 200 miles (about a month after I received them).

I contacted the seller and go a response the same day. A day or two later I received a new generation of glove and a new kind of battery charger. They're incredibly comfortable, and the interior of the glove looks more durable. They are supposed to handle moisture better, and I saw other reviews mention that some wiring inside should now be more durable too. I hope so!

Also, customer service told me the new gloves fit slightly tighter, and since I'm borderline between M and L, I got a L, and am glad I did, they're perfect.

I'll post an update after trying out the new gloves for a month or two.
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These should be mandatory for all cyclists....... or not (Updated review)
by Phongvu (2 out of 5 stars)
December 8, 2016

Now in my original review I said these gloves were the best. And everything was great, until it rained. Unfortunately it rains here in Portland, OR a lot. I first bought the fingerless gloves but at winter drew near I wanted the winter gloves, which I ordered directly from Zackees (Amazon didn't have my size in stock). They were great in the snow and cold, then came the cold rain and that is where this story goes south. In my winter gloves the signals got hot and then quit, no amount of battery charging would bring them back. So I started wearing the fingerless gloves and today (you guessed it, it was raining) they quit.

I have emailed Zackees a couple of times but to no avail. They evidently don't stand behind their product. The actual glove is well made, but the electronics - not so much.

So as long as you don't ever get these wet, you'll be in good shape. (But wait, sweat is wet.....hmmmm.)
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Good Idea, Needs better execution!
by Desert GunR (4 out of 5 stars)
April 24, 2015

I ordered the largest size and followed their fitting instructions. I am hopeful that after another month of wear they will stretch out a little more. So far I have not had to charge the batteries. The lights are visible and do vary in brightness with conditions. I ride on major roads for quite a while until I get to the trails. The extra safety they provide is a great idea. I am sure I have surprised a few drivers with the turn signals on my hands. Since, I doubt most motorist know what hand signals mean these days.

Update #1: July 25th - Stars reduced to 2 due to multiple problems. After using them regularly on my rides the batteries have left burn marks on the back of my hand. Batteries corrode and need cleaning constantly. Also, they only work intermittently now. I am now in the process of contacting the company to see if they will resolve these problems.

Update #2: July 27th - Stars upgraded to 4 for now. Contacted customer support by email and actually received a reply on Sunday as well as a phone call. After explaining the problems without hesitation they are sending me a pair of Gen2 gloves in hopes of resolving the problems. I will give them a try and see how the improvements they have incorporated into the Gen2's solve my problems.

Update #3: July 30th - Rating remains at 4 stars for now. Received the Gen2 gloves today. Sizing for XL is almost spot on. They are slightly looser than the size L. While the L did stretch out a little they didn't stretch enough. With a little wear, sweat and rain the XL's should loosen to the right amount. The Gen2's have an extra long flap that covers the battery with more fabric. The Gen1's didn't have any protection for the battery which led to burns on the back of the hand and excess battery corrosion. Only time will tell if the improvement in the Gen2 flap will solve this problem. After several weeks of use I will provide an update about the reliability of the Gen2 wiring versus the weak Gen1's that eventually shorted out and finally quit working.
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great Zackees LED Turn Signal Gloves - mine are white x-large - read this review
by jonce (5 out of 5 stars)
August 11, 2016

This is a product that I highly recommend. Living in North Texas where the day's are very hot, I do my riding during the late evening into the night. My bicycles are lit up like Christmas trees, which I consider needed for safety. I considered mounted turn signals on my bike but tried these gloves first. I consider these glove my first and my best choice for signaling my intentions to traffic (cars, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians). I am able to move the signal so the flash is directed at the vehicle I am intending to warn. These things are bright. They grab attention. I have to look to the side when putting them on in case I connect the leads and the glove flash. They are that bright. They are also very comfortable. Nice pad, secure and stylish. Would I buy these again? If I ever need a replacement. I intend to buy the winter version when we move from hot to cool. I would expect those to perform as well as my white pair. Again, these provide visible sign of your intention to whomever you wish to signal. I use them nightly and I have yet to switch or recharge the batteries. One point, I did have to return the large pair because they were too tight on my hands. The company was great with the exchange. They really do care. That is refreshing. Finally, I was not offered or requested any type of compensation for this review.
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Probably worth it
by J. D. (5 out of 5 stars)
December 14, 2016

So I bought these leading into winter (Nov 4) and only got to use them a little bit as it got cold enough to require warmer gloves than the summer edition before long. The lights functioned well; the contacts functioned a little too well for turning them on, and I found it convenient to cover part of the contact on each glove with some painter's tape to prevent it from turning on as I put on the gloves.

-Comfortable design
-Construction is quite durable
-the pads on the palms are slim but effective, and cover a majority of the palm to assist with a good grip on rubber handlebars.
-The lights function well; while not likely to grab at driver's attention in daytime, are very bright at night.
-the contacts are very sensitive; they go off as I'm putting the gloves on, taking them off, and handling them. This makes it very easy to turn them on when you need them.
-Pull tabs on the forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger make removing the gloves pretty easy. Sweat does not greatly complicate removal.
-Two included pairs of rechargeable batteries and a charger. Very useful, though I recommend removing the batteries from the gloves any time they are not in use to help guard against corrosion.

-The pads on the bottom and the sealed electronics on the top do trap the sweat a little. I haven't noticed severe build-up; I'd say there might be a little bit of added heat as a result.
-The design of the gloves necessitates removing one hand to signal, and at a slightly odd angle so the arrow points in the right direction; it take a little getting used to. Hopefully that awkwardness results from changing away from the basic hand signals; but it is best on any kind of turn to keep both hands on the handlebars.
-I haven't purchased the winter gloves; I fear they will not be warm enough for me. That said, the summer gloves aren't really designed to work in temperatures colder than, say...50 degrees. At that point you'd need warmer gloves.

Maybe someone could come up with a strap-on glove signalling system; one that could be put on over top any thick winter gloves. Precipitation would still be a concern, but sweat would be less of one; and the materials cost might be much less.

I recommend removing the batteries any time you are not wearing the gloves to help guard against corrosion (better safe than sorry, right?), and tape partially covering the contacts might help guard against accidentally turning them on, if that's a concern (ouch, bright light :P). All in all, seems like a pretty solid pair of gloves; even if the lights go out.
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Great concept, but major quality control issues thus far
by J.L.A. (1 out of 5 stars)
August 24, 2019

My wife got me these gloves because i just started biking again. The Zackees gloves in concept are great, but they seem to have some serious quality control issues. First, my brand new white and black gloves arrived with some black stains in the white area of one glove, probably due to packaging them too fast. Also, the interior of the gloves feels like a rough pair of socks with every stitching and seam rubbing against your hands. Lastly, the see through plastic for the watch batteries does not align with the battery the glove is trying to display. I will gladly consider them again if they can assure me they have addressed their quality control issues on their 2.0 glove. For $75, these Zackees leather bike gloves should be flawless.
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Intuitive signaling for bicycles
by Abe and Nicole Burnett (5 out of 5 stars)
July 4, 2015

The idea is awesome, and the execution is--for the most part--excellent as well. The only problem I've run into is one glove seems less sensitive then the other. The metal pieces will be in contact, and the batteries are fully charged, but no blinking occurs. It then takes some finagling to get the glove to blink. Not sure why. The other one works perfectly. If the two metal pieces are touching at all then it blinks brightly. Also, I should note these gloves have yet to be laundered (though supposedly they should be able to take a gentle wash). If they can get the bugs ironed out this will truly be THE killer bike gear to have. Now I'm on the lookout for an auditory rear alert which mounts like a tail light but emits piercing directional audio to get people to stop texting and take note of the bicyclist ahead of them.

Update 8/4/15: Wow, these fantastic gloves are backed my exceptional customer service, too! After reading my review on Amazon, Zach himself contacted me about the minor issues I mentioned above. In fact, a company representative contacted me first, and then, when I didn't respond, Zach personally emailed to express his commitment to ensuring my COMPLETE satisfaction with the gloves. He said they'd be happy to exchange them for a new pair of the second generation glove. I provided my address, glove size, and desired color, and the gloves arrived a couple days later. I'm happy to report that the second generation of these gloves is even better than the first. In addition to working perfectly (both gloves blink reliably and brightly whenever used), I also have noticed that the battery life is far better on these. I used to be to charge them every other day, but the new generation has yet to require recharging even after a week of using them. Granted, I just wear these every day on my 10 mile commute to and from work, but still, the increased battery life has been much appreciated. As before these fit like a glove (sorry, couldn't help myself), look sharp, work well, and are very comfortable. They're also very well made.

One last thing. When I ordered these my wife expressed extreme reluctance (to put it mildly) about spending this kind of money on what she deemed a "gimmick", but after seeing these in action she's become a believer and wants a pair for herself. It's just much clearer what your intentions are, as a cyclist, they're much more visible then an extended arm (particularly at dusk or nighttime), and they are all around excellent gloves. Well done, Zachees! And thank you for the excellent and persistent service. Much appreciated!
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Great Gloves, OK for just a turn signal (if gloves not needed for your application)
by John G. (3 out of 5 stars)
July 4, 2016

I really wanted to like these gloves. Cool design, comfortable, dual function. I found them when looking for turn signals for my bike.
One issue, I don't regularly wear gloves. So while these we're the most comfortable gloves I've worn, the primary goal of turn signal were good, I just didn't end up using it after my initial ride.

This might be specific to San Diego's hilly terrain, but had problems taking my hands off handle bars to signal while braking down/up a hill. As turn signal first (which I could use an external device), it was not the ideal for my use.
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Bright and comfortable
by Bradley Corwin (5 out of 5 stars)
June 22, 2015

Anyone who bikes a lot with traffic should get Zackees Turn Signal Gloves. They are very easy to use by just making a connection with your thumb and hand. When you do this the gloves light up bright and let people know you are turning. The gloves are nicely padded and fit as expected. Mine came in a nicely packed box with spare batteries. This works better than hand signals in my opinion because most drivers don't know them. The design is simple yet innovative. I was also having a little bit of wrist pain while riding. These have helped me keep cushion my grip on the handlebars.

Go to and click Buy Now and click the sizing chart before you buy. This helps to get the perfect size for your hands.

If you bike a lot and are looking for biking gloves, stop wondering if you should buy them and buy them.
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Zackees, High quality cycling gloves with benefits
by Amazon Customer (5 out of 5 stars)
August 5, 2016

I have been wearing these gloves regularly for a few weeks now. They arrived already working, in high quality packaging. There are clear instructions on how to use them, although its pretty self explanatory!

They were kind enough to include a spare set of coin cell batteries and even a charger, little touches like that let you know they really care about their customers.

The gloves are a tight fit - but that's what you want in a cycling glove. They feel well put together with extra padding on the palm. I have no doubt that if I come off the bike they will keep my hands relatively safe.

So just as a high quality pair of cycling gloves they work perfectly.

The clever part lies in the fact that they have an amazing set of indicator lights built into the gloves. These have to be the brightest LEDs I have ever seen. I can even use them in daylight!

The lights are activated by touching your thumb to your index finger - always works and feels very natural. I feel really safe knowing that the cars behind me know exactly what I am about to do!

Overall, I am really happy with the purchase and I am looking forward to my next Zackees product, Helmet please!!

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