Mini Watermelon Cucumber Seeds

Brand: Hirts: Seed; Fruits & Berries
MPN: mexicanwatermelon
Category: Food & Drinks
Price: $2.74  (127 customer reviews)
Availability: In Stock
Average Rating: 2.3 out of 5 stars
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Product Description

Newly rediscovered heirloom. Produces abundant crops of 1-2" fruits that have the appearance of miniature watermelons, and fall off the vines when ripe. Actually a sweet cucumber flavor, contrasted by a surprising sourness, as if they are already pickled! Great for growing on a trellis. 60-70 days.


  • Newly rediscovered heirloom
  • Produces abundant crops of 1-2" fruits that have the appearance of miniature watermelons
  • 60-70 days to maturity
  • Great for growing on a trellis
  • 15 Seeds

Top Reviews

100% germation 100% not cucamelons
by Amazon Customer (1 out of 5 stars)
April 20, 2018

*update* 5/5/18

definitely got picklers.... last picture is what we have growing... well one of the 3 varieties growing thru it...

I'm leaving a one star only because I was thrilled that all my babies sprouted... I bragged on them and shared the link with friends who were interested...
1. They took 3 months to get here so this year's garden they went (con)
2. All sprouted (pro)
3. There is a ton of fruit growing (pro)
4. It's not cucamelon (huge con)

I apparently received regular gherkins 😂

My husband actually has cucamelon grown at the refinery he works at where someone had thrown some out on the job site... guess I'll depend on hubby to bring me some home when he comes in next... I'll just prep my own seeds for next year.. guess that is what I get for bragging on my unique treat in my canning groups... next time I'll pay closer attention and not buy from china

The lone picture is the "cucamelon" and the big picture is my "cucamelon" next to my picklin cucs... the picture with my hand is my picklers... no difference... I got scammed
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Received wrong seeds.
by Hoz Holla (2 out of 5 stars)
June 26, 2015

Grew these last summer on a lark, and loved them. I ordered 2 packets of seeds this year. Though they were labeled Mexican Miniature Watermelon THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. These plants are large leaved and low growing, not like the delicate vines and small leaves of last year. Obviously the packets were mislabeled. No fruits yet, they just started flowering, and I wonder what sort of cucumber or maybe squash I'm going to get. I am disappointed we won't have the cucamelons again this year!

edit: August 2, 2015

The vines will climb if trained, but the deer clipped everything off at 3-4'. The fruits are softball size and off white and taste like mild cantaloupe. I don't know what it is, some hybridized seed or a regular plant. Worse yet, I don't know what to order for next year!

It won't be from this outfit you can be sure.
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Honestly, tough to germinate these
by I. J. Barker (4 out of 5 stars)
March 22, 2012

I gave these seeds plenty of nurturing and care, keeping them warm inside the boiler room of my basement. While other seeds came up in two days flat, these struggled to get their heads above water (or soil). I'm not disrespecting Hinterland Trading Co--they gave me a free bag of romaine lettuce seeds I can't wait to plant--but they need to honestly provide more seeds to make up for the poor germination rate, which seems to be somewhat intrinsic to the species. Still, I can't really vote these down so much, since I had heard other reports of difficulty in growing.
*Update, 4/9/2012* So far, four of the ten seeds I received germinated, and only after about three and a half weeks. I was so unimpressed with them that I left their peat cups out for about four days before my mother carted them back inside. You can imagine my shock when, in the middle of dry seed starting mix, I see a sliver of green and realize "that's it!" The plants have now grown admirably--they're like stick figure cousins of a full sized cucumber, but they're healthy and growing well. Some things just take time, and you can't give up on them until it's truly over--and these plants have helped me to learn that.
*Update, 6/29/2012* These things are doing amazingly as of now. Only three made it to maturity, but wow, did they manage to beat the odds and become undisputed winners. They always remain small relative to a full-sized cucumber plant, making them an excellent choice for container gardening. They haven't even thought about flowering yet, though.
*Update, 7/8/2012* These plants are not small at all, just so you know. Although the vines are thin, they're also tall; they're over 6 feet now and still hungry for more space to climb. Hopefully you have a ladder or a tall family member to help in your harvests, because holy crap, will you need 'em. Flowers are beginning to form, and they're hard to notice at first, as they're also tiny compared to the big yellow sunbursts you see in cukes.
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Not as advertised
by John A. Ritchey (1 out of 5 stars)
October 14, 2014

Was not what I purchased. These were a melon of some sort but became a nuisance p l ant and I dug them all up a thigh them away. The small melons/gourds were not tine but as large as my fists. Don't waste your time or money.
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by KS (1 out of 5 stars)
March 27, 2015

I am almost positive and would bet money that these are NOT the correct seeds. I was suspicious when I saw the seeds. They are the size of regular watermelon seeds. They are black/brown and almost brittle looking. I Google'd CUCAMELON seeds and the results I found of cut open cucamelon fruit; were not any thing like what I received. The seeds I found online are much smaller and more like a cucumber than a watermelon. I am going to try to germinate a few and grow them to confirm. I will try to do an update if I remember if they produce any fruit and give others my verdict. I don't believe these are the right seeds. I just went ahead a bought seeds from someone else. I HOPE the second batch of seeds I bought from another seller are the correct seeds. If they are, I will just try to collect the seeds myself to plant the next year.

UPDATE: 3/31/15 I bought Cucamelon seeds from a different seller. As I expected the seeds I received from this seller was not the correct seeds. The seeds I received looked like regular watermelon seeds. I received seeds from a new seller and they looked like I thought they should. They are small, white an shaped like little footballs. Amazon needs to evaluate his seller because they are selling fraudulent merchandise and they also come from China! I will attach a picture so anyone unsure can compare what they have . The seeds I received from this seller is on the right. The correct seeds fro a cucamelon plant are on the left.
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by Madawgison (5 out of 5 stars)
April 17, 2015

I bought these in 2013 and just planted them in 2015, and to my amazement, EVERY ONE of them germinated. Their first true leaves are coming in and I see a bright future ahead of them. I can barely contain my excitement!!! I'm not particularly a gardener, these just looked interesting. That just goes to show how easy these are to grow! I planted a few in some egg shells and a few in some used cardboard toilet paper rolls. I set them in the windowsill and waited until the sprouted. Now, all I need to do it stick it in the ground when it is time to transplant them. SO EXCITED!! They seem to grow really fast, but not at the beginning. It took a good week and a half for them to sprout, but now there is no looking back. Every time I look, the first set of true leaves seems to have gotten bigger. If you have any doubt about these DON'T. You won't regret it!!!


So I put them outside a few weeks after writing this review and to my dismay they almost died. I didn't harden them off, so the plants weren't used to the intense UV rays. I moved them into the shade and left them because I thought they were going to just die. The next time I checked in them I saw new shoots comming off the base of the seedlings!! Then their pot was knocked over and they were laying on the ground. I was devastated. I picked up 3 plants that I could salvage and stuck them back in the pot. I was elated when they continued to grow like nothing happened!!! Now they have taken over the pot and out grown the trellis I bought for them. I started with all 15 seedlings and ended with only 3. This review is 5 stars because these plants endured more than I ever thought possible!
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Buyer beware
by MzzOhh (1 out of 5 stars)
March 27, 2015

The seeds came in a very small envelope postmarked from Hong Kong. The Customs Declaration label indicated that it was a "Gift" of a "Toy" worth "$5" originating in "China" -- the China part is accurate, I assume, but the rest is obviously fraudulent. I'm not eager to grow and eat something from a business that operates this way. Disappointing.
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Not worth your precious garden space
by ndncobb (1 out of 5 stars)
August 30, 2017

I had tons of vines. At least 20 feet of vines came from my plant. I had flowers, but only seen about 2 pieces of fruit and they would never mature. The fruit that did appear dried out and died several days after appearing.... I tried for 2 years to grow these and received the same response. I'd rather save my precious garden space for something I can actually eat.
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by P.J. (2 out of 5 stars)
August 3, 2015

I was very excited to grow these little babies. I am a master gardener and have a very green thumb both outdoors in soil and indoors hydroponically. So imagine my surprise, when, after meticulously starting these seeds indoors in my NH basement in March, and meticulously transplanting very healthy seedlings into my outdoor beds in June, and then spending hours researching websites for all the wonderful things I can do with my little mouse melons once my vines have these big bumper crops...i get these monstrosities....WTH are these things?? After much googling, I find out they are called Crystal Apple Cucumbers. They are NOT Mexican Miniature Watermelon,aka mouse melons as advertised. They are Crystal Apple Cucumber and look nothing like this picture. Never heard of them and none of the cute little websites with cute little ides of what to do with these " mouse melon" world prepared me for this. So, I have a dog I call a goat-dog. She will eat anything without even sniffing it. I could give her arsenic and she will woof them down if my hand is the one feeding her...she trusts me that much. So after tasting these mutant "mouse melon" and deciding they taste like the foulest dandelion greens ever... with bitter lemon juice poured over them, I decide to feed them to goat dog because...well..humans cannot eat these. She spat them out at me almost the second they hit her tongue. I was shocked!! Goat dog never turns her nose up at ANYTHING!!! Just these mutant "mouse melons" a.k.a Crystal Apple Cucumber. SO...I now have them brewing in a refrigerator pickling solution with lots of sugar. I am still holding out hope.
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Different Plant Entirely
by S Wingo (1 out of 5 stars)
September 8, 2015

Whatever plant I received was not a cucamelon, the fruit that grew from this plant was roughly the size of a softball and a pale yellow in color. It sort of looks like some strange mutant squash. I've grown cucamelons before and the should look like the product picture, this was something else entirely.

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